This is the insight I have been waiting for. Thank you for articulating this, Lucas.

You are living up to your name, "the Bringer of Light."

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Excellent clarion call, Lucas! Your call to action to Gentiles is a superb follow-up to my clarion call to Gentiles to cultivate knowledge and awareness of jewish power and their control over us. Thank you for your ongoing great work.

America Is a Gentile Nation

So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?


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Reject the lie that you can be a Christian and a Zionist. The Bible shows that Zionism is incompatible with Christianity.


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We are inspired by Lucas as he strives mightily for greater finessed clarity ..increased effectiveness in operative verbiage and pragmatic logic........we don't use this Jew-term..**Gentile*which THE JEWS utilize derisively and lie..falsely asserting that *The Gentiles*merely. technically means "the Nations of Non Jews .".aside from that..quite directly we also never tolerated the abused false Jewish coinage*anti semite**Jews in the post modern era are . Not .Semites..Most Palestinians ..many Arabs .. clot Christians......other folks.."are . We encourage all others to say what you mean and mean what you say. ANTI JUDAISM..Anti Jewish thought*. anti kabala anti Jewish communism .anti Jewish idiotic leftwingnut.s.....anti ultra Jewish critical race theory...anti Jewish created hyperinflation...anti Jewish global abortions for Non . Jews....Anti hyper Jewish feminism....*** The term... NON JEWS has no deleterious or in any way shape or form..derisive or pejorative implication....All best Lucas. .... and .. all best Cat**

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Coptic Christians**Typo

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I am still waiting for Benjamin Fulford;'s Ninja Turtles to save the world. His last great thing was a lovely fireside chat with David Rockefeller. What a wasted opportunity to 'do something '. Les Visibles fictional book does have an Action in it though... https://www.amazon.com/Curious-Tale-Ash-Whine-Supernatural-ebook/dp/B00IC8E508/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1690675023&refinements=p_27%3ALes+Visible&s=books&sr=1-2&text=Les+Visible

Les Visible at smokingmirrors.com

note the comment there, from I. long ago. not much changed.

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EXCELLENT synopsis! Thank you for Truth.

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You are the man!

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I thing the title could be better, but the Idea is very good.

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I would describe a human as composed of spirit ,soul and body. The soul is the mediator between spirit and body. Half of spirit is immersed in the soul. The other half of the soul is immersed in the body-the source of physical pleasures. The spirit detests the carnal lust of the body and is repelled by it. The soul is the seat of the heart while the mind is the seat of the spirit. When we have learned to think with the heart and feel with the mind our perfection is at hand.

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We ARE soul, manifesting in the physical. Once each human being understands this, everything will change.

Unfortunately, eGO also manifests itself. That is the human condition, unless one is aware of it, and can conquer it before physical death.

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deleting my comments as they are duplicates, I click 'post' and nothing seems to happen. but it does.

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Jung called isms a sum total of one's prejudices. He was not a political animal, did not talk about brainwashing with isms, to create prejudice.

Fact Checking


"Grant's daughter, Jennifer, has denied her father was bisexual.[311] When Chevy Chase joked on television in 1980 that Grant was a "homo. What a gal!", Grant sued him for slander, and Chase was forced to retract his words.[312] Grant became a fan of comedians Morecambe and Wise in the 1960s, and remained friends with Eric Morecambe until his death in 1984."

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Two questions:

-- What does "shilled" mean? Did you mean "shielded"?

-- Why include the photo of the operetta"nazis" with the caption still pushing the Holocaust™?

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