Many low brow desperate essentially good folk are obsessed with....projecting their goals onto lying Jew whore trumprat THE CHABAD CONVERT JEW*We understand ..we..get it..they as most of the basic Maga folk are despairing hopeless unrepresented. good regular peoples...Most of them are not Jews and many are not Isreal firster Jewdevil worshippers. while we can sympathize with *some* of the so called Maga people's goals ...none of them can hold trumpdog s feet to the fire of truth----many are not really Jew -aware in any serious adult intelligent way .at all".They opt sadly to project their dreams and hopes into..onto this con artist type of Antichrist. Djtrumprat. trumpdog. --now no one who knows about Mr Lucas gage..a vet demeaning him or calliing him..mislabeling..him... a backbiter IF they are informed about The *JEWISH QUESTION**. Some wonder how this may ..may not relate to Mr Gage s fine article..well know this--new reader s and horrified hopeless young folk demand answers. e often..o..k..*ok na basic "Christian "level...far from perfect .... but is an autocratic
Catholic company man...--nick fuentes is a young Roman Catholic monarchist type ....and all intelligent people know America was not founded by and never will be a Ronan Catholic footstool nation***. ..nor should it ever be*That said . America has been adulterated subverted decimated cannabalized by Talmudic bolshevists..deleterious vile perverse hermaphroditic Jewish Influences in a plethora of malevolent agencies. simply. A unified 5th columnist .."state within a state".. now consider this people. young peoples...----It's Not t Just. Zionism!**. For legal substantive proofs of all of this..extensive lists. of Jewish and isreali--jewish . Isreali-American totalitaruan cyborg criminal bal Jewish Scum.*-----..can easily be found as even with massive Jewish online stalinist censorship....all the names.. dates...crines...treasonous seditionary acts . .. etc are out there . This why we ardently encourage Not only the munificent Lucas Gage ...but all others .who stood up
as others cowered in fear to unreal pressures .but continues to lead anyone with a good heart and a functioning brain to become independent of all schizoid vile reprobate Jewish Influence .and..we don't just mean chuck Schumer and Mandy Cohen or Itralian""isreali Italian.. jewrat fauci...we who write as Slavic American non denominational Christians grew up around the 5 families....(mafia...).. and the NYPD** we understand Mr Gage s inner rage against vile corrupt obvious Jewdeviltry*.
. Non incedentally ... millions of decent folk around the planet share most of his core convictions ...currently and morally rightfully so..the entire world is horrified by Isreali holocausting..genocides.. even hnic cleansings exterminations..extra judicial assasination. and zelensky the jewrat faggot and Mitrovets..**pay them back**..*welcome to the New American Kristallnacht**. Poste script. .. *Since The Holodomor in 1932.. 1934... many new lesser HOLIDOMORS have occured... micromanaged as always by the same types of mentally ill JEWS***Deranged dangerously deluded demon possesed JEWS***. By now most will perceive that truth cannot be repressed for long without massive revolutionary anxiety ..and. that truth and truth tellers could care less about *feelings*or .ignorant opinions* or politically correct virtue signalling gender confused dysphoric stakinist idiots ..but we are inspired and encouraged by all attempts ..especially from Vets .....*to NameThe Jew*. We close with a message from Nikola Tesla... ..*Never Trust The. Jew*. All Best Lucas. **Your. move... America* wake up ! Rearm Now**
Typo Roman Catholic footstool..ethnic cleansing basic Christian doctrine up to a limited point....HOLIDOMORS...Nabka 1..Nabka 2..Nabka 3...0... It's Not Just Zionism** see glad..nambka...Tikkun olam Jew sorcery...**kol nidre Jew filth**Globohomosexual Jew cyborgism*. The New Jew Order**. Stalinistic Jew faggotry*lyshrnkoistic Jew frankinsteen pseudo science deviltry**Jew lies about Christopher columbusTHE JEW*...Sorry about typos from dumb phone..the Google --gulag keypad on the dumb phone ..
This that Lucas wrote is absolute dangerous excellence..seize autonomy..seize liberty..even if it means a "...friend"making you 3DPrinted Guns.....they are legal in most states currently..all Big pig big Jew ..--Atf lies aside...while any gun. is. better than han no gun...a308nato rifle can stop a robo dog or most drones in spite of some unaware
fearmongerinng folks...we don't browbeat ..we don't nag..we come right out as Magisterial former Marine Lucas does. similar view..weltanschung...--Lucas ..s...article is in this unbearable essence of absolute pure Gold...for decades we wrote spoke and opted to opine on this or that but few
have heard a mutter ..not a peep..not a chirp..about our struggles to both remain faithful to Christ as Non sectarian pro2A Christians ..faithful to most precepts of natural law. and being scintillatingly ..intensely honest on the JEWISH QUESTION. ...consequently...... we always reccomend. AMMOSQUARED. i n Nampa Idaho..**.you can buy ammunition from them and they hold it for free..if you are in a blue state that forbids intelligent unobstructed firearms utility......note..we don't work there but salute the good business...----be prepared prepper mentality ..Great article..but be advised..THE JEWS will stalinize." rump -america-- even further ..and devastate what s left of*rump-America. ...* even more obviously Now*-. Be informed's gonna get real soon*.. The New American
Many low brow desperate essentially good folk are obsessed with....projecting their goals onto lying Jew whore trumprat THE CHABAD CONVERT JEW*We understand ..we..get it..they as most of the basic Maga folk are despairing hopeless unrepresented. good regular peoples...Most of them are not Jews and many are not Isreal firster Jewdevil worshippers. while we can sympathize with *some* of the so called Maga people's goals ...none of them can hold trumpdog s feet to the fire of truth----many are not really Jew -aware in any serious adult intelligent way .at all".They opt sadly to project their dreams and hopes into..onto this con artist type of Antichrist. Djtrumprat. trumpdog. --now no one who knows about Mr Lucas gage..a vet demeaning him or calliing him..mislabeling..him... a backbiter IF they are informed about The *JEWISH QUESTION**. Some wonder how this may ..may not relate to Mr Gage s fine article..well know this--new reader s and horrified hopeless young folk demand answers. e often..o..k..*ok na basic "Christian "level...far from perfect .... but is an autocratic
Catholic company man...--nick fuentes is a young Roman Catholic monarchist type ....and all intelligent people know America was not founded by and never will be a Ronan Catholic footstool nation***. ..nor should it ever be*That said . America has been adulterated subverted decimated cannabalized by Talmudic bolshevists..deleterious vile perverse hermaphroditic Jewish Influences in a plethora of malevolent agencies. simply. A unified 5th columnist .."state within a state".. now consider this people. young peoples...----It's Not t Just. Zionism!**. For legal substantive proofs of all of this..extensive lists. of Jewish and isreali--jewish . Isreali-American totalitaruan cyborg criminal bal Jewish Scum.*-----..can easily be found as even with massive Jewish online stalinist censorship....all the names.. dates...crines...treasonous seditionary acts . .. etc are out there . This why we ardently encourage Not only the munificent Lucas Gage ...but all others .who stood up
as others cowered in fear to unreal pressures .but continues to lead anyone with a good heart and a functioning brain to become independent of all schizoid vile reprobate Jewish Influence .and..we don't just mean chuck Schumer and Mandy Cohen or Itralian""isreali Italian.. jewrat fauci...we who write as Slavic American non denominational Christians grew up around the 5 families....(mafia...).. and the NYPD** we understand Mr Gage s inner rage against vile corrupt obvious Jewdeviltry*.
. Non incedentally ... millions of decent folk around the planet share most of his core convictions ...currently and morally rightfully so..the entire world is horrified by Isreali holocausting..genocides.. even hnic cleansings exterminations..extra judicial assasination. and zelensky the jewrat faggot and Mitrovets..**pay them back**..*welcome to the New American Kristallnacht**. Poste script. .. *Since The Holodomor in 1932.. 1934... many new lesser HOLIDOMORS have occured... micromanaged as always by the same types of mentally ill JEWS***Deranged dangerously deluded demon possesed JEWS***. By now most will perceive that truth cannot be repressed for long without massive revolutionary anxiety ..and. that truth and truth tellers could care less about *feelings*or .ignorant opinions* or politically correct virtue signalling gender confused dysphoric stakinist idiots ..but we are inspired and encouraged by all attempts ..especially from Vets .....*to NameThe Jew*. We close with a message from Nikola Tesla... ..*Never Trust The. Jew*. All Best Lucas. **Your. move... America* wake up ! Rearm Now**
Typo Roman Catholic footstool..ethnic cleansing basic Christian doctrine up to a limited point....HOLIDOMORS...Nabka 1..Nabka 2..Nabka 3...0... It's Not Just Zionism** see glad..nambka...Tikkun olam Jew sorcery...**kol nidre Jew filth**Globohomosexual Jew cyborgism*. The New Jew Order**. Stalinistic Jew faggotry*lyshrnkoistic Jew frankinsteen pseudo science deviltry**Jew lies about Christopher columbusTHE JEW*...Sorry about typos from dumb phone..the Google --gulag keypad on the dumb phone ..
This that Lucas wrote is absolute dangerous excellence..seize autonomy..seize liberty..even if it means a "...friend"making you 3DPrinted Guns.....they are legal in most states currently..all Big pig big Jew ..--Atf lies aside...while any gun. is. better than han no gun...a308nato rifle can stop a robo dog or most drones in spite of some unaware
fearmongerinng folks...we don't browbeat ..we don't nag..we come right out as Magisterial former Marine Lucas does. similar view..weltanschung...--Lucas ..s...article is in this unbearable essence of absolute pure Gold...for decades we wrote spoke and opted to opine on this or that but few
have heard a mutter ..not a peep..not a chirp..about our struggles to both remain faithful to Christ as Non sectarian pro2A Christians ..faithful to most precepts of natural law. and being scintillatingly ..intensely honest on the JEWISH QUESTION. ...consequently...... we always reccomend. AMMOSQUARED. i n Nampa Idaho..**.you can buy ammunition from them and they hold it for free..if you are in a blue state that forbids intelligent unobstructed firearms utility......note..we don't work there but salute the good business...----be prepared prepper mentality ..Great article..but be advised..THE JEWS will stalinize." rump -america-- even further ..and devastate what s left of*rump-America. ...* even more obviously Now*-. Be informed's gonna get real soon*.. The New American
Kristallnacht has commenced**. Be ready.
I can get one of the candidates to say "Jesus Christ". stomp on their foot. When they should really be cursing "Rabbi Sneeerrrson"
What a stentorian tremendously correct comment .. Peter....Thank you..God bless and God Speed**
It's all Misdirection:
A rocketship, Planet White, and off we go, no jews. I have a dream.
I hear Idaho is the place to go.😁
" I da ho" sounds like something Harris would say if she was truthful and up front. like her lips when on her knees.