Because our enemy is a global parasite, it is not enough that our people engage this enemy on its own. The jewish problem needs a global solution; thus, we must seek out and awaken all other Gentile nations to this danger, and work together with their best members to identify and remove this demonic vampire from all positions of power in the world.
Although I am a race realist, I do not hate other people from different races, nor do I believe in a superior race in which all of its members are superior to those of others; quite the contrary: I believe in superior peoples from different races. It should be obvious to all that each race has its most beautiful, most intelligent, most creative, most productive, and most moral members, while also having its most ugly, most stupid, most dull, and most morally inferior.
It should also be clear that some races produce more good members than bad, due to genetic and environmental reasons. Regardless of this, the best members of each race should be elevated, appreciated, cultivated, and put into leadership roles, to ensure the best for their people and their prosperity. Of course, this is the exact opposite of what the jew promotes in our societies; they created a dysgenic system which ensures the worst elements of all people rise to the top, while the best are kept in bondage on the bottom.
Certainly, there are examples of the jew promoting our most beautiful, intelligent, and creative members, but only when they serve his agenda. The most moral and productive members of our societies are crushed by the faux aristocracy installed by the jew, whose purpose is to guard him and his fellow jews, rather than us and our fellow Gentiles.
The Racial Alliance
Just like I promote a temporary but much needed alliance between Christians and Muslims against the jew, I also promote an alliance of all Gentile races for the same reason, under certain conditions. Like the former, the latter does not mean I promote race-mixing nor accept jewish diversity and multiculturalism; quite the contrary: a true racial unity rejects all unnatural and destructive jewish “isms” in order to ensure all peoples and their cultures can preserve and perpetuate themselves in their own living spaces.
Of course, there have and will always be a minority of Gentiles who race-mix and like living among other peoples and cultures. Such people should left in peace, for it is their choice as free people to do so. However, should they decide to deny the same respect to other Gentiles who wish not mix, and to be left alone, it would make them no different than the jew, and thus, should be seen as enemies of all free peoples.
We only want to unite with the best of each group, “the Samurai” of each people, like the old man said above. We neither want to unite with the scum of other races, nor the scum of our own. In both cases, the worst people should be nowhere near positions of power or influence in our noble cause.
“The Best of the Gentiles Should be Shilled”
The jew, Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, once wrote in the satanic Talmud: “The best of the Gentiles should be killed.” Who would benefit if all of our best were killed? The jew, of course! For without our best, our aristocracy, our guardians, he would be ruling over a dumb-downed and weakened mass of the worst of our people that would pose no threat to him or his rule. This is why one of the first things he does, when he goes from nation to nation, is exterminate the intelligentsia of each.
We have already lost too many of our best to assassinations and needless internecine wars: some of which were engineered by the jew; others, a result of our own egotism. We need to stop fighting among ourselves and start focusing on our common enemy. We must seek out and make alliances with the best of each race by ensuring we are good-faith ambassadors promoting peace and prosperity for all.
The best of our people should be protected from our enemy both physically and financially; they should be venerated for their bravery, courage, and sacrifice, and promoted as role models, so future generations have people to aspire to be like. For these reasons, I say: “The best of the Gentiles should be shilled.”
In order to tackle the global menace that is world jewry, we must seek out and identify those men from other races, who have the characteristics and traits we know are noble and superior, and ally with them in this righteous fight against the jew, regardless of our differences. We should encourage these men to push the same message we do: to promote Gentile excellence. We should encourage all races to improve themselves, not just for the sake of their own people, but for the benefit of all humanity. By doing so, all Gentiles will grow stronger, and this will help them remove themselves from the yoke of jewish supremacy.
The Inferior Gentile
Oh, you don’t like this, Mr. Purity Spiraler? Are you too stupid to understand my message, just like you were too stupid to understand Christian-Muslim alliance? Well, ask yourself, using your “superior intellect”: What does the jew do in order to ensure his rule over us all? Does he not ensure each people is poisoned by his “isms,” leading them all to genetic and moral decadence? Does he not ensure that the worst elements of each people rise to the top, instead of the best? Does he not use his media to inflame racial and religious hatreds among the Gentiles, demoralizing everyone and exacerbating all tensions? Does he not do this to all people, not just our own? Does this not give us a common cause to unite and fight against him, so we can all free ourselves from his supremacy? Certainly, it does, but you’re too stupid to see it.
The reason you’re too stupid to see it is obvious to all of us, but completely unclear to you, due to your blind egotism. Despite what you think, you are not the best of us and never will be. In fact, aside from your DNA, you’re no different than the jew who lacks the moral characteristics and traits which make a man noble. You will never be a hero nor an inspiration to our people, let alone anyone else’s, because you are, as the jew rightfully states, a dumb animal.
The Superior Gentile
Just like we reject the jew and his delusional claim that he is superior by birth, so we reject all spiritual jews who believe the same. What makes a man superior to another is not the accident of his birth, but the righteous actions he takes in his life, before he meets his inevitable death.
A superior man is not just a man who, like a fast race horse, has superior physical traits, but a man who has superior physical, mental, and spiritual ones. For what good is a man who is handsome and strong but dumb as a rock? What good is a man who smart and wise but weak as twig?
The superior man is one who is superior in mind, body, and spirit, who uses his bright mind, strong body, and noble spirit to oppose the most evil force that plagues humanity: the perfidious jew. And he does so not just for the sake of his own people, but the sake of all mankind.
This is the insight I have been waiting for. Thank you for articulating this, Lucas.
You are living up to your name, "the Bringer of Light."
Excellent clarion call, Lucas! Your call to action to Gentiles is a superb follow-up to my clarion call to Gentiles to cultivate knowledge and awareness of jewish power and their control over us. Thank you for your ongoing great work.
America Is a Gentile Nation
So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?