You say:

"This indicates that the IRHA’s “unbinding” definition is really about tying anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism, which is a fallacy since one is a rejection of a people, whereas the other is a rejection of an ideology."

I disagree with you and agree with IRHA, even though they will not rejoice at my agreement.

It is NOT a fallacy.

Leaving aside bit part players like the Shabbos Goyim (Joe I-Am-A-Zionist Biden), there is no zionism without Jews and conversely, any anti-zionism alone is but a timid, partial judeophobia. Trying to separate the ideology (Jewish supremacism) from the poeple espousing it is like rejecting... white on rice. The recent "coming out" of Jews as boastful and self-admitted geno iders and war criminals in Gaza, Lebanon , Syria and now Iran showed that virtually all 9 million Jews in Israel and many millions more in "diaspora" controlling the US foreign policy are ruthless Jewish supremacists whom the timorous Goy critics call buy euphemisms like "zionists," "neocons, "extreme right ultra-religious believers,' Likkudniks," etc. They are in facf loyal descendants of the Jews who called themselves "communists" while they mass murdered millions of Christian Russians during bolshevism, and "internationalists" and avowed "atheists"while in the leadership of the International Brigades they slaughtered hundreds of priests and nuns and urned churches and monasteries but.somehow never touched a synagogue.

The issue is not to defend against the accusation of "anti-semitism" but to define it as a reaction to Jewish behaviors anchored in jewish supremacism.

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While we firmly support Mr.Lucas Gage s efforts your sterling comments are magisterial..erudite..sharply correct and a pleasure to read . Thank You. God Bless **

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I join you in thanking Lucas for his admirable efforts in educating people about 'forbidden' topics and thank you for your kind comments to me.

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PS. The International Brigades, for those who do not know, fueled the Spansih Cvil War in Spain.

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PPS How many people know that the International Brigades, the "ardent republicans who ravaged Spain during the Spanish Civil War, who came from the US and several countries in Europe, all speaking the languages of their countries of origin, solved the communication problem by publishing their daily bulletin in... Yiddish..?

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Keep fighting the fight!

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As ever great read. I’m currently being harassed by these jews via the solicitor regulator for ‘antisemitism’. This will be handy. Take care.

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The majority of Jews, the Jew shot callers, both in Israel and Israel West (The USA) are not Semites. They are Pecheneg/Ashkenazi, of Turkic-Mongol origins. They are a separate Race from the minority Sephardic Jews, who are genetically similar to Arabs. Both the Sephardic Jews and the Arabs are the true Semites. The majority Pecheneg/Khazar Jews have nothing but contempt for their Sephardic co-religionists that they lord over referring to them as, "Kooshim" which translates roughly into, "Nigger". Thus their whining claims of "Anti-Semitism" are totally fraudulent. Not surprising at all as fraud, deception, and criminality is endemic to that pernicious tribe.

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Lucas is of course excellent in intent here but most Jews are not Semites at all.Palestinians in actual fact... are Semites.*Otherwise we are encouraged by the many excellent points contained in Mr.Gage s fine commentary.Suffice it so say we despise Jewish influence not only satanic cryptic kabala Jews and idiotic occult Zionism...the fools gold of The Many Jews who live and die by and for it ......

We also despise globohomosexual Jews .luciferian leftwingnut Jews..... bizarre schizoid liberal ..or cowardly neoliberal Jews........Kol nidre Jews

.etc,. etc and infinitum ad nauseum....that said. and very much needing to be said..our metaphorical hats go off and our hearts go out to Mr Gage s heroic efforts to free humanity from the iron wrath .the scourge of The Jews*. and not just the child raping adrenachrome Jews either....it is wise for Americans to finally recognize the Jews and their lies as now..in 2024 ..the entire world despises Isreal and will never forget it...that..the vile..reprobate homicidal..perverse..zionist entity should be wiped off the face of the earth...to vanish into Hell fire never to resurface from the fire pits....**God bless ..Godspeed Fine Master Lucas.... ...**all best to ProfKM and the very wonderful Mark Collette ..Tom Sunic.....all best to Big Nick Spanos and Warren Balogh.....

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These so called anti-zionist jews are not to be trusted. They just want take control of the opposition to lead it off course.

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Chutzpah, when a jewish lad murders both his parents and at court pleads leniency on the grounds he is now a poor orphan. ./ Gilad Atzmon (someone said he denies/ied Israeli involvement in 911. if I can prove that, he is off my list. he is off writings for several years now anyway.

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