"When cornered on jewish supremacy, the jew, on one hand, will tell you that your entire civilization would come crumbling down if it weren’t for him holding it together;"

Yeah, I just saw an exchange on x along these lines. Darren Beattie (jew) responded to a post of Nick Fuentes, and said Feuntes had a "poisonous world view" and then went on to insinuate that if jews were gone, things would be much worse in America--implied over all IQ would go down. Also saw Beattie respond to criticism of his dissertation as a "cattle" view--so, yeah, another jewish supremacist, brainwashed by jewish BS about their superiority. And I've caught him referring to gentiles as cattle a number of times previously- I guess he assumes that's more polite than saying "goyim" (but you know that's what he really wants to say).

Also, most of these so-called good jews never call out the holohoax or the jewish control over the financial system (Bro Nathanael and Ron Unz are the only ones I'm aware of on calling out the holohoax, though there might be more)

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Max Blumenthal is an example of what Gilad Atzmon calls "antizionist zionists." Blumenthal's work on exposing zionism is exemplary, yet Zionists are almost cartoon versions of evil. How hard is it to expose such low hanging fruit? Meanwhile, he proactively disses activists who criticize jewish power.

For example, Alison Weir is an outstanding pro-Palestinian activist - above reproach in every way. Listen to Blumenthal try to ruin her reputation by portraying her as antisemitic. He has yet to take back his words.

Response to Max Blumenthal remarks about Alison Weir


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Wow, thanks for posting. I heard something about this, but wasn't clear on what Blumenthal actually said. I've always been a bit suspicious of him, given his family background. And I've noticed that he and a couple of the anti-zionist jews (Aaron Mate, Dan Cohen) are quick to throw around the "antisemite" smear, which is why I don't trust any of them--"antisemitism" which they believe is some kind of irrational hatred of jews doesn't exist. They are disliked as a group because of their predatory and criminal behavior. I have yet to hear any of these anti-zionist jews call out the Rothschild jewish banking cartel behind all the wars or jewish control over the media. And, of course, the Zionist Jews conspired to get America into WW1- Benjamin Freedman was basically an eye-witness to this hidden history.

I'm going to order Allison's book.

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Alison's book is superb. It's a short volume, over half of which are footnotes, mostly jewish references.

Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel


As a fellow activist, I know Alison and put her on the highest pedestal as a loving, dedicated, and principled warrior for peace in the Middle East.

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Thanks! Just ordered it.

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Your reasoning mimics why Jews were "kicked out" of most European countries for many centuries- it was the Russians who forced the Khazarians to leave Europe hence the hatred targetted at them.

Lucas - it would be great if you broke down The Talmud into an easy to read version.

Also religions should be exposed to the same extent - I actually believe they have been working as a tight team to carry out past Great Reset extinctions

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I miss GIlad Atzmon ( a "proud self hating jew") He has not been writing since 2022. https://gilad.online/writings

and an excellent lecture he gave on controlled opposition.. and a jew leading it all the time.


Henry Ford spoke how they appear to be of all shapes and colours, but when threatened, pack together like wolves.

know the enemy. of mankind.

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"know the enemy. of mankind."--

Yes, this is how I see things now. Realizing that everything happening now is a jewish plot to take over the world and set up world govt--it's obvious now, at least for those with eyes to see.

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Being proudly white (gasp!) and in favor of national sovereignty (the horror!) vs subjugated to global homogeny under the bootheel of a murderous racist criminal cabal makes us rogue outliers. So be it.

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Fantastic as usual..u are a treasure Lucas..thank you..keep up the good work..we are making huge strides

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When I first started talking about the genocide I made sure not to come off as antisemitic. I wasn’t aware I had acquaintances that were jewish because of my ex best friend. As soon as I said zionist jew boom one of jew brothers came to say that it’s not just zionist jews. That the bigger issue was Christian zionists. I agreed that they were a problem but then I shared my reasons on why jewish supremacy was the bigger issue and he didn’t want to hear it. Im sure he supports israel too even though he says he is for Palestine. His older brother supports israel. He also came into my dms saying what happened we had good conversation and got along. I told him we got along before I found out he supported a rapist genocidal regime and that a jewish supremacy was taking place. All he said was “we’re obviously not doing a good enough job keeping things under wraps.” I am currently exposing him and his business whenever I get the opportunity. My best friend is black and is in a group with the jew. Called pretty good pretty great. I wonder who the great is 😂. I am watching my friend become dumber and screaming antisemitism and racism when I speak about history. He is college educated and an activist im sad I couldn’t catch on sooner. They are supposedly friends and live together in a warehouse. The older brother jew now has a whole floor of the warehouse to himself and is charging his goyim more rent so he can live like a king. I still haven’t met a jew that was good online or irl. It’s very sad to see.

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antigentilism is more like it

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Lucas, please consider not capitalizing holocaust. Capitalizing it IMO reifies it. I can barely use the word anymore. More often than not I just call it what it is: a holohoax.

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Great read for those still in the good jew fallacy.

What they did to you was sickening. I was blacklisted by them when they failed to recruit. I believe they are behind my brother’s assassination. They tried recruiting him and attacked him for years when he refused to join their Freemason cult.

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Fantastic as usual..u are a treasure Lucas..thank you..keep up the good work..we are making huge strides

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though there is the case of half jew, and half bad. maybe.

half a Sampson Option still sounds like not good news for non jews.

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Oops that was pretty long and definitely full of errors

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was perfect

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Drew Easton is a decent (former) Jew that fights for Christian Nationalist cause.

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