Wonderful article, Lucas! It stirred me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been following you on Twitter/X for a while, and now here, and I want to say that I’m very impressed by your Substack articles. This latest one has moved me to try to do more, within my limits and circumstances. I’m no longer young, and struggle with serious health problems, but I have a lot to offer: my parents were Germans who lived through WWII and always told me the truth about what really happened. I never thought I’d see the truth about the Jews exposed in my lifetime, so I’m grateful to be alive to see this movement, this awakening, and will try to participate more and continue to support you and others like you. Keep up the tremendously good work!!

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You’re right it’s a thankless and difficult job. But taking the easy road for those that know is also impossible because it goes against who we are and strips us of our conscience. Lost family members because of the jews attacks but I know that I personally couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t speak up.

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That is exactly how I feel Lucas. However, I still speak out against the jews publicly to as many people as possible, a lot of people I meet when I am out walking my dog whom I don't know. I have gotten to know some of them by name as time went by. It's surprising how many know it's the jews behind every evil in this world-they just don't know the full extent of it. I shall keep speaking out. I shall still read your wonderful articles here on Substack and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to wake people up to the horror that is these people. Take care and God bless you.

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The Reasonable vs unreasonable man.

Reasonable one makes no changes.

Unreasonable ones change the world.

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Oct 31·edited Oct 31

I really do thank you and appreciate you, and follow you.

SIgned, my real name, Vlad The Inhaler

Peace Man.

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I am with you Lucas.

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I’ve only managed to white pill a few people. You’re correct… it’s a tough and thankless job. Sadly some are so conditioned by (((them))) that they refuse to allow themselves to even entertain these things. It took me a few years too as I too had been so conditioned, from my formative years. So, these days, after a century of covert propaganda, there’s many a stone wall I come up against. It’s tough to open their eyes.

So, I thank you for being fearless and doing it boldly.

They’d won the propaganda war because it was this drip drip drip of covert propaganda for decades… hell, centuries!

I believe some of us are meant to be out in the open, and some of us may better serve the cause by playing them at their own game: covertly.

Lead the horses to water… keep showing them… eventually they WILL see and then drink of their own accord.

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I've been awake for 50 yrs. I've always hoped to somehow discover it is all just a coincidence. But it isn't.its the Jews.

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Thanks Lucas. I'm with you 👊

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