Outstanding, Lucas. The diabolical, lying Jew and his Goyim sycophants transmute White Separatism into White Supremacy to turn the non-White hordes against us. The truth of the matter is that there is not a single, one, racially conscious White with his or her hands remotely near the reigns of state power in America or any nation of the West. "Have we, the men of the West, lost the will to live?" - Dr. Revilo Oliver. Tragically, the answer to that rhetorical question appears to be an unequivocal yes.

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through PCR a good read.


by Marshall Yeats.

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very well thought out - appreciate your efforts to bring clarity and logical constructive reasoning to address the problem. We need to redraft and redefine our essential humanity and call the spade a spade. And agree- planting our flag on NAP nation state sovereignty could provide a robust framework for just and righteous civil society in all manner of expressions and forms. The world is waking up to the hoodwinking and sorcery- the great wurlitzer of fanfare, death and chaos the Judaic supremacists so fervently churn is becoming more and more plain to see, thanks in part to people like yourself- willing to stand up and speak truth in the face of the howling maelstrom of workeist Bolshevik insanity.

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The chosenites……..🖕🏿

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Fuck it …. I’m going there…..Pedophilia, child trafficking, pornography, transgenderism, Genocide, ethnic cleansing, thievery, torture, Apartheid….. among others

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you make a good point about jews intuiting the strategy of eugenics to nurture an intellectual elite.

but we already live in a judaic society, so we have accepted our subservience by default.

Marx: money is the jewish god and the christian nations have adopted it as theirs.

and western civilization (for what it's worth) is very much a jewish thing (all the nobel prizes, jewish dominance in academia, law, medicine), so we are part of the problem as 'westerners'.

the resistance to israeli genocide in the west is being led by jewish and nonjewish students working together. look for allies. they exist. that's the only way out of our box.

re the future, how about 'the time machine' by wells. the ugly little gnomes live underground and cultivate and then harvest the brainless pretty whites.

>monoracial, monocultural, and monoreligous states

what a bore! count me out.

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Yeah…..you Jews excel in some other areas also…but I won’t go there …….

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There is some truth to that. And then came Jesus.

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